NEW Best Town Hall 12 TH12 Base 2018 August with Replay Proof | TH12 Trophy/Farming base | Clash of Clans

In this TH12 Base 2018 August with Replay layout, the Dark elixir is highly guarded with the main Defensive buildings (Inferno Towers, X-bows, Eagle Artillery, Giga Tesla, Air Defenses) so that the opponent hardly or cannot get it. Dark Elixir storage is placed in the middle of the base and guarded with Archer Queen, Barbarian King.
Since the Town Hall itself is the defensive building in Town Hall 12 (Giga Tesla), it is protected by itself and we have placed the Geared Archer Tower to provide extra backup and it is also guarded with the main Defensive buildings too.
While getting the Queen Walk attacking strategy opponent mainly focus on destroying Eagle Artillery and Inferno Towers; so that we have placed the Air Sweeper, Bomb Towers, Air Defenses, X-bows just around the Inferno Towers and Eagle Artillery with Air Bombs to prevent the Queen and Healers. And all the Air mines are placed outside of the base it could eliminate Healers at the beginning of Queen walk.
And for the maximum protection of the loots, we have placed storage buildings in the separate compartments with the well-placed traps.
And finally, CC troops also play an important role in defending this base since the Clan Castle is in the middle of the base which means CC troops cannot be lowered out of the base.