New Th9 War Base 2018 Anti 3 Stars !! | th9 base Anti LAVALOON, Anti GOVAWI | Clash Of Clans
This Th9 War Base layout has many advantages to prevent almost all the attacking Strategy.
To prevent the LALLOON attacking Strategy Air defenses are placed in the inner part of the base, because of this Lava Hound will seperate far away from group of balloons and balloons are distracted by other defensive building. by this way this base is anti LAVALOON.
And this base is build with many more compartments as possible.
This will increase the time to access the every compartments of the base. So, either opponent has not enough time to get 3 start, or their troops will be finish before the time up.
In this layout Clan Castle is also in the center of the base. And all the traps are also placed in the right place.
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