NEW TH10 Base 2018 | Town Hall 10 TOP TH10 Dark Elixir Farming Base | Clash of Clans

Hey guys we are here with TOP TH10 Dark Elixir Farming Base layout with all of you. In this base layout we placed the Dark Elixir in the Center compartment of the layout along with Archer Queen, Clan Castle and Hidden Tesla. So, Archer Queen and Hidden Tesla Help a lot in defending the dark elixir storage. Since we’ve placed Clan Castle in the middle of the base; opponent cannot lower the CC troops out of the base which will help a lot in defending whole base.
And we have placed Town Hall in the little bit outer layer of the base because of wall wrecker. But we’ve placed a lot of heavy defensive buildings around the Town Hall to defending Town Hall.
And all the Storage buildings are placed in the separate compartments for maximum protection of resources. So This base layout is really good for farming player in Clash of Clans Town Hall 10 Level.
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