Clash of Clans has announced they are releasing town hall 12 (th12) updates soon. This will be a great excitement for player of Clash of Clans.
They are planing to release a ton of new content like new building and troops. This kind of update will increase the excitement of player. If you are a clash of clan player then this update for you
Clash of Clan realesing a detail regarding updates from youtube and on their blog. Initially, they had shared following updates of town hall 12 updates.
The Giga Tesla in Townhall
Previously we have not get a defence option on townhall, but now in town hall 12, we can defence the town hall with giga tesla wich looks electric townhall in blue colour.
Townhall star can be upgreaded
it is a new option in this townhall we can now upgreade a star or level of town hall 12. Than mean we can upgreade a giga tesla performance wich result increases how many opponents the Giga Tesla can target, up to a maximum of 4.
Optimum level of tesla
If you get the optimum level of giga tesla it will unlock another feature that is explosive after damange of Town hall. That is the final ability of Giga tesla